Thursday, January 5, 2023

What was the saying about Seasons changing?? "Ah Yes!! With every season there is change and purpose.

I can not begin to tell you just how many times, I have sat here wondering just how much more life itself can change and then I need to only look towards the changing of each season. And year by year the dance and rythm of how it all seems to without fail, unfold. Be it beautiful or ugly, be it easy or hard. Life is ever evolving. And so I remind myself as a gardener and one who revels in the beauty of growing beautiful things...that no matter of how well things turn out...or not!! That in the end no matter what, it was not without a lesson learned, a dream I invisioned and a desire to watch unfold each day. It matters not in truth if Mother Nature, decides to help magnify the outcome by unleashing an unexpected, say....Not so visually pleasing product or let's say... "Tomato!! But be a tomato not as visually pleasing as one which graces the cover of a Seed Catalog, is it not still a worthy fruit?? I mean our goals for growing the most beautiful of anything we set out to grow, merely is not always going to play out as we imagine. The case in point here is... we must not place worth by mere vanity of the fruit. It is still a fruit, which will find way to the plate, nourish the palette and feed you when you're hungry. So if the seasons decide to not exactly play nice, by bringing ideal weather conditions or a shorter duration of warmth needed. We can still pluck that green tomato off the vine, turn it into salsa or a pickled product and we can give praise to our understanding of the gift we are still graced with. So with every season be it shorter, colder, hotter or whatever... let's not forget to look for the good and the worth of our hard work, as a positive always. Let's not forget to be forgiving, humble and flexible to everything we are blessed with. And so I sit here thinking and still dreaming of my one day "Forever Garden" in a new home, with hopefully ideal space and hopefully ideal soil... "Dare I even dream or wish?? It's a huge dream actually. I have dreams of Orchard Trees, Blackberry Bushes, Vegetable beds for miles and Flowers like Roses on Arbors and that occasional adorable White Pickett Fence gracing the garden beds all tidy with the spray of the ocassional bird feeders and baths and cute little gazing globes and winking gnomes. And even if the seasons of change do not meet me all the way through with my dreams of such things to come to fruit... I have the knowledge and the adaptability to see it half way through. The grand scale might not match the original carbon copy image I invision (ed) , but nonetheless... I will still have an amazing new garden in my future home no matter the location or the growing zone. Love is afterall the most potent of all tools for a gardener. And then we plant the seed (s).

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