Friday, July 10, 2020

Large Leaf French Sorrel

Of all the green leafy veggies, French Sorrel is by far my most favorite. This beautiful patch  (picture on top) is actually 4 patches growing in the same corner of my enclosed Potager Garden. The bottom picture is of the ones harvested.

The beauty of Sorrel, is that it can be canning if canning by way of a pressure cooker, in which case you would follow the same time and temps as you would canning Spinach.
Sorrel can also be frozen and you do not need to apply any sort of blanching nor pre cooking.
Simply wash and hold leaves together and put into a dry paper towel, then freezer in freezer safe bags.

                                            Recipe for Cream of Sorrel Soup:
                                              (Eastern European Recipe)

                                              3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil
                                              3 to 4 teaspoons all purpose  flour
                                              2 cups milk of choice
                                              1 cup cold water
                                              3 cups deviened Sorrel (washed and cut into chunks)
                                              Salt and Pepper to taste


In a Stock pot 5qt in size, bring to preheat oil on medium and add in flour and stir well to make a light golden rue. Once golden, reduce heat and add in Sorrel and stir well to wilt the Sorrel, but take care not to burn the rue. Add in all liquids and stir to declump and add in more cold water to thicken if needed. If the rue should be too soupy or liquid may make a slurry with more cold milk and flour whisked in well, taking care to be void of any clumps. Once the Soup is a smooth thick and silky with slight transparent sheen...add in salt and pepper. Taste before serving to make sure no bitter floury taste is present, if so...return to heat to cook a bit longer. But use constant stirring until ready.

This soup is wonderful served with a fried egg or two and crusty French Bread for dipping.

                                                                Serve and Enjoy

* Let me know if you tried this recipe and how you liked it.

*Also if you can not find Sorrel in your area...Seeds can be found on my Amazon Storefront @ Borrowed Thyme Gardens. Store coming soon!!


Song for Zula | Phosphorescent | Lyrics ☾☀

My Dreams of a Paradise Unseen

I am a gardener, mom, ex chef, engaged, and a person with many interests. Far too many interests at times. But even heart feels the most at home, when I can feel grounded. And with this comes a desire to cook, bake, preserve what is bountiful, and doggone it there will be a garden involved!!
It is a Paradise I long for, but not one that is fancy nor hard to achieve. It is not a place on a secluded Island, although the fruits grown there would be nice. "But a Paradise, that can be called generous, one which calls you to engage with its' every splendor. In this place, there are bees which dance and hum as they do there magical work. With their fuzzy little bottoms that poke out of flowers as they collect the sweet nectars, for which they thirst. A place where the sun catches the tiny wisps of hair like stems on the most fragrant tomato plants, which grow there. And the dew in the morning, awakening everything that is green and lush, as they reach to greet the morning light. In this Paradise, I find things bittersweet, as it reminds me of days gone by. And it's as if they were only a dream. I do not have pictures, but in my heart and mind their memories live. This is where my soul finds peace. Where I feel the most life. It is a treasured kind of connection and one which can not be matched.  For in this perfect Paradise, beats my heart and finds true pride. As I watch the fruits of all my hard labor, spring into abundant life. My garden is this to me and so much more. And if you crave some bit of whimsy and solitude, you too will find such a place to call yours. Until then , please join me here as I share my daily love and chore (s). With a humbled heart filled with love and gratitude, to my readers here, I open up my life's door. Welcome to my Paradise and please do not wake me from this dream, it is beautiful here in every which way, even if unseen.

From humble beginnings of borrowed space...there comes to fruition a dream of a paradise, by others unseen. And this is my story of how my garden became known as "Borrowed Thyme Gardens". Welcome to my dream!!